Sunday, November 7, 2010

Homeless in Delaware

November, 2010

On the coldest night, so far, of the year, plans were made for the entire family of five to take on the elements as though they were homeless. This project was set up to help raise funds for Habitat for Humanity. After working all day the parents gathered their three children, the oldest a boy of fourteen and his two sisters, age 11 and 12. It would be a night they would not soon forget.

Many cardboard boxes had been gathered and placed on the street to simulate the sleeping quarters of those who are unfortunate for one reason or another and have to live without a home. My mind, being of the older generation fixes on images taken in the early 1930's and 40's. It was a time when men could not find work. These were not all just worthless people who had no desire to work, they consisted on once affluent members of society. Due to the economy, many lost well-paying jobs. Some were soldiers who had come home from fighting for America’s freedom. So many similarities face America today.

Banks have failed, the construction business is at a standstill for lack of money to pay workers. Jobs are being lost. Ordinary people are losing homes to foreclosure. It is beginning to look worrisome to many families. America has been fortunate until now. People have been spending money with no thought of ever having a problem paying it back. Many have been living far beyond their means with the use of credit and credit cards. They have purchased more than they need, because they could. Hindsight is not much help now. The time has come to pay the piper.

Mom and Dad decided their children should look at the reality of what could be just around the corner for America. Dressed in layers, the family walked to their designated ‘home’ for the night, determined to face the bitter cold as though they were truly homeless.

Much to mom’s chagrin this was not the case with many others in the area. What WERE they thinking! She could not imagine how they were going to learn anything about being homeless with heat generators plugged into electrical plugs. She shook her head at those playing corn hole, a game that costs around $100.00. These young people were going to be totally clueless of the plight of the homeless after their night outside. She wondered what sacrifice they were making that would help them understand the plight of a homeless person. She thought; “Little do they realize this could actually happen to them in the near future”. She continued her journey of teaching her children.

Mom, dad and the three children started the process of dressing as a homeless person. Each child had on at least two pair of socks, three layers of shirts, three pair of pants, a large coat, gloves and a hat. They each carried blankets for extra warmth. They walked among the crowd and she taught as they went. They were cold, but did not entertain the thought of using an electric heater of any kind. How would her children understand if she gave in to make their stay more comfortable. After all, she was quite sure no homeless person would have access to those things.

Soon it was time to sleep. Shivering, they bundled together in their cardboard box. At this point a family of five was a blessing as each helped keep the other stay warm. Mom and her youngest daughter lay close together with their heads covered with the blanket because mom’s long hair kept causing her hat to come off. The child mentioned that being that close together did not smell very good! Yes, it was a lesson to be learned. They each had stinky breath, just as a homeless person would have. Supper was still on their teeth as they were not at home with a toothbrush. I had to chuckle.

With only a few hours sleep, dad shook them awake to say the boxes were being torn down. They needed to get up. Another reality set it. There was an urgent need to use the bathroom!!! What bathroom? There was none! Another lesson that would not be soon forgotten. This was where mom drew the line. She gave in to that one modern convenience and scampered off to the place she works. She said; “That was just much to ask, no toilet!”

They gathered their belongings and thought they would go to McDonald’s for breakfast. But, that was not to be. She taught her kids another bit of truth. In order to have any money, those who are homeless would have to panhandle if they were to eat. She pulled out four dollar bills and told them that was all they could get during the night. In actuality, the lack of funds was in place to show them eating a meal was not always possible for those on the street.

I spoke with the children to see what they had taken away from this experience. I think they will never again look at homelessness in the same way. Because of this one cold night they will forever have compassion when they see someone less fortunate. They learned it is better to buy things you can afford, leave credit cards alone and be truly thankful for every little thing you have. They will think twice before spending money on the latest toys, games and expensive clothing. There are things much more important in life than trying to keep up with the Jones’. I applaud mom and dad for showing their children these truths.

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