Saturday, October 23, 2010

My view of Politicians

I have a question: Suppose you are a business owner and you hire a worker. This worker promises that they know what they are doing and can get the job done. Not only that but they promise to make things better because of their knowledge of the job you are hiring them to do. Ok, you give the job to that person thinking all will be better in your company very soon because of all the promises made by the employee. A year passes and things have not gotten any better, in fact they have gotten worse and your business is going under. My question to you is: How much longer are you going to pay this person before you have had enough? That is exactly what is going on with these elections. The man promised, he did not keep those promises and in fact things have gotten worse not better. But he is blaming someone else for the problems. If we are going to blame someone else, why stop at Bush? Do you really think he causes all this mess? I don't. It started somewhere around Woodrow Wilson.

So, it is my opinion those who are in Washington to 'fix' us need to be changed, new faces, new ideas. Yes, it is going to get worse. I have no doubt we are headed into a deep depression. It is coming, look for it. I am not putting the blame one either party. I think the problem is the power they have. Those we hired to work FOR us have forgotten what their roll really is. They are to work FOR us, not against us and for themselves. I think there should be term limits to EVERYONE. Every four years we need to change EVERYONE in Washington. These 'lifers' seem to forget their roll.

I do not blame Obama for this mess, nor do I blame Bush. I blame the voters for voting because a politician looks good or speaks well (even if they have to use a teleprompter). Moral character should be high on the list of why we vote for a person. If they cannot be trusted morally, why should we trust them to lead. O, you just should not get me started.

1 comment:

  1. If the employee is President Obama, you gave him a 4 year contract/term. I believe you are obligated to honor that contact and should give him more than 18 months to prove that he can do the job.
    Afterall, you gave the last employee 8 years and he nearly drove this country into a depression.
