Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another speech, but not in my hometown

Another speech, another wasted day. That is what I think about Obama coming to Cincinnati on Labor Day. Tuesday! What is he thinking? Does he really think he can keep the attention of a young child for half an hour? O, if only our teachers had that knack. I am sure they will agree, trying to keep a kindergartner focused on ANYTHING for half an hour is quite impossible. Most of them can't even sit watching a cartoon which is more interesting to them than a man talking with a teleprompter. I can see where high school students might listen. I feel sure even some of them would not be interested other than figuring it is a good way to get out of class. What IS the President thinking?

What is with all the speeches? That is not what people expected when the voted for him. The speeches were appropriate during the campaign. Now he should be putting those 'promises' into actions. Where are the answers people are needing concerning the economy? Where are the jobs he promised were forthcoming? What good has the infamous stimulus created? I see nothing positive in either of those things.

I am a grandmother, just a modicum of education, no great mind, just an ordinary human being with nothing more to offer than common sense. Now that I have. Common sense tells you this constant talking by the President is not fixing any of the problems. Common sense certainly lets one know a young child will get nothing substantial from a half hour speech. Obama says education is important, and that is very true. So, let the teachers use that half hour to TEACH. Yes, I believe in freedom of speech. I am not seeing a two-way freedom here. The teachers are not given the freedom to decline. They are being told this is to be part of their day. How free is that?

I don't have children in school. I do have grandchildren that attend. When I look at each one of them I can only see one that might be interested in listening to this mandatory speech. When I was a child I would have been more in the ' who is Obama' category. My parents did not try to push politics to me as a child. Why should they? Children are not even allowed to vote. In time, when my age was appropriate, they informed me, let me make up my own mind. They did not insist I follow their path. That is the American way. To see America getting into pushing political ideas down to their children just because Obama thinks it is right makes no sense to me. I feel a twinge of concern. Is this how the destructive leaders in other countries behave? How about Kim Jong Il? How did he gain control of the Korean people? Is this what was done by Saddam Huissan when he gained control of the Iraqi people? I see pictures of children being told that killing the infidel will gain them great favor in the hereafter at a very early age. I am sure the indoctrination of these countries didn't happen suddenly. I am sure the common folk felt at ease with these men in the beginning. How does a whole country wind up being controlled by one person with off the wall ideas? I feel sure it began by controlling the minds of the younger children.

I pray America regains her common sense. Stop these ideas before they are entrenched into our country. I already see too many young people who think 'getting things for nothing' is a good thing. It is NOT. What one does not work to attain is wasted. I plead with parents. Insist that your child earns what he has. Instill good work ethics in your child. Don't leave it to a teleprompter to teach them right from wrong. It is the duty of a parent to shape a child, not someone residing in Washington D. C. Stand up for freedom.

There is hope for the weary. You will be pleased to know ... here in London, the 'speech' was not be aired. How blessed we are in this community to have leaders with common sense. I praise you who made this decision.

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