Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meeting of the mindless

I sent this to my sister-in-law. She said; : "Hip! Hip! Hoorah! Glenn Beck could be your brother!" Is that a good thing?

Below is the article I sent to our local paper.

I just returned from a meeting with a representative from Senator Voinovich's office. You can imagine the crowd that attended. Why it was almost impossible to get a parking space close enough to walk -NOT! Once inside the Madison County Courthouse getting close enough to hear what the lady had to say was nearly impossible. NOT! Everyone that attended were very calm and quiet. NOT!

Yes, I was there by chance. There was an article in this morning's paper stating someone would be at the courthouse to hear concerns. I had not read the morning paper, but a friend of mine did. She called to ask if I would like to attend. Of course I wanted to attend since I had not been told of the Town Hall meetings that were held in Columbus a while back. Those things seem to be kept under wrap in the local papers. I wonder why. Are we the people supposed to be interested in what is going on with our national, state and local representatives? I certain hope that is the case. As far as I know the United States, by the grace of God, is STILL governed for the people and by the people? I know from watching the news things are about to change - in some instances already have changed.

I am asking myself why our local paper, which also should be for the people as the people are paying their salary by reading it, did not announce this meeting until hours before it was to happen. Is it that the local paper is well aware of the mind set of the people who vote? I think not.

My friend and I were two of the four who first to arrive. We had to ask where this meeting was to take place. Soon a diminutive, well coifed, well-dressed lady arrived. She sat at a desk placed in the halls of the building. I was thankful we were not standing outside in the hot sun.

The questioning began. The lady said she would like to take those who had 'personal' concerns first. She would take those into another office to talk. I asked what she considered as personal. She informed me it was for a concern interested only to one party. I asked if she could take our concerns first as we each had lives beyond this hour. Others agreed with me on that the concerns of the entire group should be addressed first.

You know how it is when you ask a question and when the answer comes you have no idea what good the asking could have been? Well, we sure got a lot of that. We do know for a fact that the lady 'would take our concerns back to the office". We asked point blank questions. She could, or would not give us a solid answer. The questions ranged from our concerns about our rights being taken away by the present government to how all of this affected the lady. It seems she has a 'government healthcare' program, so of course she was not concerned any of this would affect her. When asked how Voinovich felt about any subject she said she could not speak for him but would take our concerns back to him. How convenient. We even asked why Voinovich himself could not come and was he planning on any town hall meetings. Of course she did not know where he was but did know he was not planning to have town hall meetings. One gentleman felt the reason she was sent in his stead was because he did not want to face his constituents. After all, he will not be running for office next year, already has his health care system in place with the government. He will retire with a tidy sum of money which amounts to more than he makes as our voice.

Folks, we have no voice! We the people are being lead like sheep to the slaughter. Wake up America! Fight for what is your rights. Don't let some intimidate you to accept what is going on because you are only one voice. That is NOT true! There are many others who feel the same as you do regarding the takeover of the banks, the car companies, Cap and Trade, health care and A.C.O.R.N. Rise up! Make your voice heard. I know today the crowd was small only because no one knew it was happening. By chance those in attendance showed up. Our local paper sure did not give us a heads up. So, what do we do about the fact our local paper prints only what they want you to know? Is there an answer? I think there is. If the paper cannot be nonpartisan then let them go out of business. The same should be true with the banks, the car companies and anyone else who has spent more money than they make expecting to be bailed out by the government. It is NOT the job of the government to make your living or mine. The government has absolutely NO right to take over the healthcare in this country. What this administration is trying to do is to turn us into robots that do the will of someone who has no more ability to lead than I do. But, believe it or not, there are those out there that still think this administration is working FOR us. For those who do, I would suggest you get a bit more insight on what is happening in Washington with Pelosi, Reed, Obama and their cronies. They are ALL working for themselves, not you.

Remember an election is coming up. If these same leaches are in office the next time, blame yourself. We can choose who we want to sit in Washington making rules they have no right to make. That is what happened this last election. There were too many people sitting on their hands looking for a handout. There were too many people who chose not to work to make their own way. That is NOT the American way. From the time this country was formed people worked for what they had. Down through time people have had to work for the things they want. Handing free this and that to those who do not have a good work ethic is not the answer. Even the Bible says (paraphrase) you don't work, you don't eat! Just look around. Because of the unrealistic spending by the government and people who spent more than they can afford, America is close to a deep depression. Don't let the powers kid you, it is still possible even if you hear them say we are coming out of the bad times. Hogwash!

I want the government to give me back the inalienable rights given to me by the Constitution that was put into practice many years ago. Don't tell me I can't speak the name of God. Don't tell me I can't pray. Don't tell me it is my job to give folks money I have worked hard to earn. That is NOT what the Constitution says. As well it is not what it intended. I have no intention of disowning the God of Creation. If you want to, hey, fine with me, but don't you DARE tell me I have to. I don't tell you that you have to share my view. I am telling you that you will never take away what our forefathers set forth as how America should be governed. There is nothing in the Constitution that gives government the right to take over ANYTHING! They are there to work in my best interest under the guides of the rules put in place when we were just a young country. Why does America exist? Has anyone ever thought about that? Well, it is in part because the people were tired of being told what they HAD to do according to someone in government. The ACLU says it is for the 'rights of the people'. I beg to differ with that. They are a group of people trying to make us think like they do. It is just NOT going to happen folks. After a while - and I am thinking that time is now here - the people will rise. We the people will shout you down if necessary to get our point across. If loud talk is all you understand, they so be it. We will shout. That does not make us a radical fringe group.

God Bless America!
Hazel Williams-Jann

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