Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Poor Greg

Poor Greg! You all probably don't know Greg, but I do. He raises beef on their farm and they sell it for profit. Soon they are going to be receiving food stamps and be on the dole to the government. My heart breaks for them. You just can't imagine what this present bunch in Washington D.C. is doing to these hard working people. It all started like this. Some addle-brained idiots decided they wanted their 15 seconds of fame and began shooting innocent people. Why do I say addle-brained? Well anyone in their right mind would never do something like they have done. Because of a very few idiots our elite, well educated, elected officials have decided to make a new rule. I might add this is not a constitutional rule as the constitution says it cannot be done legally. Those in self-imposed authority have declared a certain type of gun will be illegal to own. I heard tonight that anyone who has a gun with more than a few rounds of ammunition will be called a criminal even if it is a little ole grandmother trying to keep a thief or rapist out of her home. But it is only a CERTAIN type of gun that is being declared illegal for a law-abiding citizen to own. I say law abiding as criminals don't obey the law and could care less what the law says. They will get what they want if it hair lips the gov'ner. So that will be the end of the banning of weapons, right? NOT! It will soon be noted with or without this assault rifle idiot, addle-brains will continue to kill. If they can't get the rifle, they will resort to a hand gun. Ergo an new law must be made. No one can own a hand gun. The law abiding citizen will have no way to stop an intruder unless he has a butcher knife. Of course we all know the criminal will obey the law and only use a knife as well, to do his misdeeds. There we go again. All butcher knives are banned. Which then stops the butcher shop from cutting up the beef that Greg sells to make a living. What will they do now. Poor Greg. The price of beef is already sky high and will have to be higher as it must be exported overseas for butchering, then brought back to the states to be placed on the shelf, with other things Made In China, and no one can afford to buy it. Even if they could by this time our brilliant leaders have decided steak knives are now weapons, then they will take away the table knives as they too could become lethal. A spoon could be turned with the handle side out and used to stab someone. Now we have nothing with which we can eat the meat! We have by this time learned to place the cow on an open pit fire whole. But what about the bones! Those too can be weapons. We lose again. How will we ever be able to eat meat. Well, we can dump massive amounts of meat tenderizer on the meat to make it easier to rip apart with our teeth. Oh, I know the tenderizer is not a good thing. I sure don't use it, but at this point I need a piece of steak!!! I have come up with another thought. I could use a ball bat to knock the cow in the head to kill it. Uh! Now I have caused all those over-paid ball players to have to be on government dole as well. The bat might become a weapon so baseball is outlawed. Poor Greg. With baseball banned because of the law against bats, next to go will be the football games as one cannot be discriminatory. No football, no hockey (that puck could be a weapon as could the stick) Then the figure skaters have to become ballerinas as their ice skates can be weapons with those sharp edges. Is it never going to end!!!! I guess we will all just have to sit on the front porch and whittle. Oh, can't do that. No one has a pocket knife. I don't think I will ever be able to eat a steak now. Woe is me. Woe is poor Greg. I should have added: Since there are no more sports to watch, no steaks on the grill, no guns for hunting rabbits the good folk start hanging out on the street corner with the gangs they once despised. They then get hooked on drugs, lose (or quit) their jobs and begin stealing so they can get their hands on more drugs. They find some illegal weapons and start acting like the gangs. Soon they run out of options for getting their 'fix' and decide to get a job. They run on a platform of change, get elected to be our leaders and join the rest of the idiots in Washington D. C. America continues on a downhill slide as did Germany when they elected Hitler who took away the guns. Woe is America, woe is me and still woe is poor Greg.

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