Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am not a Republican

I am not a Republican, I am not a Democrat. I am not a conservative, nor am I a liberal. I am not a Communist, Marxist, or any other stereotype written and talked about on TV and the radio. I am not a puppet of Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, or Sean Hannity. I am not a right-winger nor a left-winger. I am neither white, nor black, red or yellow. I am not African-American, Hispanic, Muslim American or of any particular country. I don’t think there is such a thing as Muslim-American because the Koran teaches if you serve any god other than Ala you are an infidel, therefore must be killed. I think if any one tacks another origin to their name, they are only half American. I don’t even know what the word Hispanic means. I also think the black people should ‘get over it’ as the Indian and Japanese people have. So, there were slaves in you family. So be it. I was not a slave owner, you are not a slave and using that as a talking point says forgiveness is not in your nature. It is over, get on with life. It just might be if you didn’t call yourselves black American others would be able to accept you as just plain American. If Hispanic was not used, maybe America would accept you as American. I am not a racist, terrorist or illegal. I don’t care what color our president might be. He could be pink polka dotted for all I care. What I care about is what is being done to America.

I am an American! Because of this I am concerned about what is happening to our country. American people speak English. Those who came here for a better life, back in the day, did not ask for their former country’s language to be used here. They learned to speak English. They did this because they wanted to be Americans. I don’t think they asked for a handout when they docked at Ellis Island, nor did they expect others to build them a home. They did this themselves. Yes, they spoke their native tongue when they were in their own community as they learned English. No problem there. They did not ask for school books in their native language or teachers who spoke it. They adapted to the American way of life. These people came to America not to change us but to change their way of life to a better one. When they came here they did not all press together in overcrowded living condition to save money to send back to their native land. They lived here, paying their own way in order to have better than the place they left. They did not come to try to destroy us. They came to help us build a great nation. They didn’t sneak across borders with fake passports, or obtain a fake ID to keep their nation of origin a secret. They obeyed the laws of the land. They farmed, they did wood working, they became bakers, butchers and even candle stick makers. They contributed to America. They did not come to take away from America.

I am fed up with the blame game being played out in Washington. I am fed up with politicians who run for office on the pretense of wanting to serve their community. I am fed up with the bulging deficit this country has. I don’t care who caused it. We owe too much money to foreign countries. No one seems to see what is being done. Why is that? I am not a genius, nor am I stupid. I am intelligent enough to understand if I break the law, I must pay the price. I have eyes. I see what is happening. Jobs are being given to people who are in American illegally because they can be paid less money by their employer. This is taking jobs away from Americans who, if paid a good wage for what they do, would be more than happy to do the job. Families are losing their homes because the government enticed them to buy things they could not afford. That, I feel, is a shared problem. Americans have become used to living beyond their means, thinking they need the latest of everything. Why can’t people see what they are doing to themselves when they buy with a credit card? I talked with a woman recently who was happy about the new finance bill. Her only comment was now the credit card companies have to put the interests rates so people can see them. Well, duh! Did they think the banks are not going to make a profit? Did they not read the fine print? It has been on every application I received, that the interest rates may and, in fact will go up after a certain period of time. Getting you hooked is their first priority. It is up to the card holder to know what they are getting into. As with anything else, it is buyer beware. I would think no one goes into a restaurant to eat without first checking the price tag on their chosen item. That should be done everywhere, including accepting a credit card. I guess it is easier just to blame others when it is time to pay the reaper. Once again, the blame game.

I am fed up with those elected to serve thinking they have the right to TELL me what they are going to do. I have yet to have a job where I told my boss what to do. If they are working FOR the people, then stop trying to make decisions the people don’t want. Taxing the people to pay off a debt the people did not want made is not my idea of serving. It is a way to manipulate the people. Why should I be expected to pay for schooling, housing, hospitalization and food for an illegal? I am against them being here, so I surely have no desire to pay their bills. See if this makes sense: Fill a bird feeder with food. Watch the birds fly in to enjoy something they would not have without my having purchased it as well as placed it in the feeder. Do this for a month. Watch how many birds make it a habit of coming to eat three - four times a day. Now, empty the feeder. Let it sit empty for a month. You will see a huge difference in the amount of bird poop you have to clean up. They just quit coming. So why is it the companies that hire the illegal is not being held accountable for their behavior? They should be fined so heavily they would happily stop hiring them. Cut off the supply! The illegal then goes home. Simple as that.

Stop giving away what others work for. I have never been to Mexico or any other foreign country except Canada. If I went to a foreign country I don’t think I would be given anything. If I wanted something I would have to buy it. If I came in illegally I would be given a jail term. So why can’t America do the same? Note, I am saying ILLEGAL, not immigrants. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. They obey the laws. Illegals break our laws while getting paid to do so. What’s with that?

Then there is the passing of bills, just to get them passed. Never mind what is in them, that can be sorted out later. What message do we get from the people who think that is a good thing? We are not in a race to see how quickly the American way of life can be destroyed. That seems to be what is happening in Washington these days. Again, this is not a ‘party’ problem. It is on both sides. Votes can be bought with the promise of something extra for the candidate who votes the way someone wants them to vote. I think any politician that does that should be immediately thrown out of office. He/she SAID they were running to help the people, not themselves. What has happened to honesty? What has happened to morals? It does matter to me what a person has done as a private citizen. If a person does not have a clean record then how can I trust them? I can’t, simple as that.

The bigger government gets, the more corrupt politicians we have in office. Why must I pay for the salary of unnecessary Czars, committees on committees, staff members to fold papers, staff members to answer the phone, staff members who work for the staff members. How many people does the first lady really need? I am just using her as one example. There are plenty others who have way too much help. If they would stay in their office doing what they were elected to do, they would not need so many. O, of course you say that is creating jobs. It is not creating jobs for the common folk. It is just doling out money for things the fat cats don’t want to do. It might take away from their golf time, or shopping with a government provided credit card for frivolous items. Sometimes these cards have even been used to buy an escort. As I say, morals do matter. They are costing us money because the level of honesty in our government leaders has diminished to what used to be found only in back alleys and brothels. God forbid!

Where has patriotism gone? How many have noticed the amount of people who never stand when the flag goes by? How many have noticed the younger generation can’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance? Why is this? It is because it has been taken out of the schools as though it does not matter anymore. Listen, this is America. I don’t care who is offended by saying the Pledge. If you don’t honor the flag, leave the country. This is not where you belong. Go to the country that waves the flag you like. I will not miss you. I imagine there are others who will not miss you either. If you came to America it should have been because you like our way of life. If you had another reason then by all means find a third-world refuge and stay there. I take offence at people walking around with their faces covered, only their eyes showing. Americans don’t dress like that. If you like that dress, there are countries that can accommodate you. Mind you, I am not anti this or that. I am just pro American.

Those who came here struggled to make America a good place to be. They set to work forming the Constitution. Now we have leaders trying to change that. LEAVE IT ALONE! It is what makes America, America. Your job is not to change us, it is to uphold what the framers have already done.

There is one thing I am besides being an American. I am a Christian. I am one who believes in something I have never seen. Because I believe I will one day be in Heaven with God. If you don’t believe, that is your right. You are not made to believe. You also do not have a right to tell me I can not speak of what I believe. Contrary to what our sitting president says, we ARE a Christian nation. The ‘rule book’ was used in writing our laws. I don’t care if you are the ACLU, NAACP, a tree hugger, or animal activist, that is your right. If any of you start trying to take away MY rights, then I come out fighting. You can say what you want, you can hang onto your ways. You will NOT take away my freedom to speak.

I have read the end of the Book. I realize persecution is inevitable in the end times. The more you persecute me for my beliefs, the more sure I am that those times are fast approaching. I am ready. I know where I am going. I have no fear of this world. I do have a very healthy respect for the One who created it.

I will state my thoughts, I will tell others how I feel. I can do all of this without losing my grip on reality. Yes, I am upset with what is happening. Yes, I think things need to change back to the smaller government. All in all, so be it. God is in control. I know He sees everything that is going on. Will I lose sleep over all these things? Hardly. I have learned that praying is something Satan does not like. So when I lay me down to sleep, I start praying. Soon I wake up realizing it is morning. I can’t even remember where my praying ended and sleep came. It usually does not take very long. I just so enjoy upsetting Satan.

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