Monday, February 1, 2010

Wake up America!

If only Americans would wake up and stop looking through rose-colored glassed, get off their duffs and work for a living, our country would have a much needed turn around. But, thanks to the leaders of the past we just keep moving head on into socialism. This trend did not just start. It has been ever so slowly moving toward this since WWI.
People look at me with utter surprise when I say I think Social Security is wrong. They look at me strangely when I say the Welfare system is another attempt at making people dependent of government. But, how would people make it without these things you ask. I say, the same way they made it BEFORE these things.
When the brave people arrived on shore at Plymouth Rock, I do not think any of them were handed a welfare check to help them get started. I don't think any of them were given food stamps to help them with the high cost of food. So, what do you think the people did back then? Do you think they sat around moaning and groaning? Well, maybe they did a lot of moaning and groaning, but it was from aching backs and pulled muscles they received while doing an honest day's labor. Do you think they had houses given to them so they would not be deprived of luxury living? I know of one who lived in the hollow of a sycamore tree for two years and started a family while living there. Yes, I have a picture of the man, his wife and a friend all dressed in their finery standing in front of their 'first home'. The man became a millionaire by WORKING! No one gave him anything. What he gained came by hard work.
I just can't understand why people want to lose their freedom. That is exactly what they do when the let the government take control. I will put it in a way you might understand and see if that opens a few eyes.
Have you ever lived in rented housing? Have you ever worked for someone else? Well you say, of course hasn't everyone! Yes, most likely we all have. When you lived in rented housing were you expected to pay the rent on time, live by the 'rules' of the owner of the house being content with what he chose to do to the house where you lived? It was his property. He had the right to tell you what he would allow you to have for the money you gave him each month.
I have worked for several different employers. My very first paying job - age 11- was cleaning for a neighbor lady. I made $3.00 a week, and that was put in with money the other family members made at their jobs. It was all pooled together so we could purchase our own restaurant. I have been a waitress, I have been a store clerk, I worked in a factory, and while working at the University of Oklahoma my title was staff assistant to the Chief of Orthopedics, Veterans Administration. After moving to Ohio I began working at home as a medical transcriptionist, using skills learned while working for someone else. At each and every one of these places I was told what to do and how to do it. I was told when to show up, what to do when I arrived, when to eat lunch, when to go home. It never changed, the rules varied but the expectations of the employer did not. It was his way or the highway.
I realized there was a better way to earn a living. I bought my first business, a janitorial business. Now I was the one telling thirteen workers when to show up, what they had to do, when to eat lunch and when to go home. Even so, I still had work that I had to do. I made sure the workers had their paychecks on time and that my clientele were happy with the service they were given. The need for me to work did not stop.
I have now changed to a business which is more suited for me. I still own a business, but I have no employees except myself. I work the hours I choose, still having to please the clientele. I have always had a bent toward the Suzie Homemaker attitude. I like staying at home and working at my own pace. That pace is a bit slower now that my age is a bit higher! The point is, I still have to work. I am not sitting around expecting the government to take over. Truth be told, I cringe just thinking that could happen. I sure do not want the government telling me when I can see a doctor, what surgeries are unnecessary because I am too old and useless to be spending their money. O! Wait! THEIR money??? I forgot. They have no money. They take a lot of what we earn and call it their money. Then they tell us how they are going to spend 'their' money.
America, wake up! The alarm clock has gone off several times. We cannot afford to stay in bed with our heads covered. Our lives are being sucked away by the people we blindly elected as our leaders. Wake up and look around. I shudder when I hear 'it doesn't matter, I have no voice anyhow'. Well, you never will have if that attitude remains. When it does, I wonder who will be protesting the loudest? Yes, it will be those who do not take the time now to learn about the people we elect. It will be those who say our leaders' private morals do not matter. It will be those who are willing to sit back and rake in benefits they should not be getting. We as a nation are on a down-hill slide toward the total destruction of our freedom. This freedom was paid for in blood of our ancestors as well as those who now serve our nation in the military.
I have read the whole 'book' I understand America is not mentioned as a force of power in the end times. It just hurts my heart to know how easily we are being lead to the destruction of our freedom. And for what? America, wake up. God bless America.

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