Thursday, June 18, 2009

A MUST read for ALL voters

This is a paragraph from an email I received from an American who is living in a socialized country . Every American voter should read what she has to say.
Yes, Obama is ruining our country, at the rate of an express train. BUT that is what we voted in, we wanted him to fix our money and said that everything else was unimportant--we got what we paid for (as a country, not as individuals, because I know neither you nor I voted him in!!!) Believe me, I'm living in a country that practices what he is trying to turn our country into and it STINKS, all those people who voted him in should live in a socialist practicing country for awhile and see how it Really is, NOTHING gets done and NOBODY is happy. In America when you walk down the street you make eye contact and smile or say hi or tip your hat or Something--that NEVER happens here, nobody laughs, nobody smiles at anyone, nobody chats with a stranger--it's very depressing. Being nice is seen as a weakness and the only "important" people are yourself and your family/friends, everyone else is considered fair game. It's very sad and its where we are headed. *sigh* enough of that. :-)

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