Saturday, December 15, 2012

America, on a down hill slide

This is a rant which started out as just a thank you. Thank you for your explanation of the importance of animals. I guess I am just fed up with our upside down world way of thinking. It is a sheer tragedy to some if a tree is cut down, or an animal put to sleep yet they think it is okay to abort a baby. We are so messed up in our minds in America that we have been nailing our own coffins shut. God will not put up with this behavior. As with other 'smart' cultures we are on our way out. I know; the Bible teaches these things will come to pass. American minds just are not getting it. Even when we know a person has killed another, we pay for the killer to be kept in prison where he has more than some of our military that come home after fighting to keep us safe. I think it is time to right the wrong. Give the soldiers the buildings that house the lawbreakers and put the lawbreakers on the street. Let them kill each other. It is a fact the government isn't doing a good job at handling such things. Maybe we could loose all the gangsters, killers and rapists into the Washington D.C. area. They should fit right in. Too many who have been elected by 'we the people' are just as crooked as those in prison. Let them all get together and watch the fray. Where are all the morals? Everyone seems interested in only themselves. "We the people" went to the poles this year. Who did they vote to put in office? Well they chose people who would give them 'stuff'. Lord knows if you can get it for free take it. Don't try to work for a living. If the money is there for the taking, who needs a job? After all, one must have a new video game, a big screen TV and so much more. Make sure each child has the latest fashions, the most popular brand of shoes endorsed by an over-paid athlete. Why should your child do without? Just sit back and let the government take care of it. One day, everyone will know, just as those in Germany learned. Hitler was voted into office because of his ability to talk a good talk. He then took his opportunity and began the process of causing Germany to lose its greatness. Yes, folks it can and will happen to America. The mind set of those in power is to control your every move. They want your guns, they want your homes, they want your children. The sad thing is, they are getting them. I watch the commercial about reverse mortgage and just simply shake my head. The word that sticks out to me is 'government'. This plan is backed by the government. Now who do you think will own your home if you buy into that money saving, I can spend it now on things I want (not need) and still live here attitude. Yes, it is one more way the government is trying to control each person. As my dad said years ago, they will take my gun only when they pry it from my cold, dead hand. He saw today so many years ago. No one listened then and more than likely no one will listen to me. After all I am just an old woman deep into her allotted time on this earth. What could I know! Did I home school my kids before it was legal because I was nuts? Nope, I saw what was being taught. The government has changed the school books to say only what they want kids to learn. So many truths have been omitted. Do I have credit cards so I can keep all things up-to-date? Nope. I have no intention for the bank to own me because of my wants. Do I can and preserve my own food because I am a glutton for work? Nope. I do it because I know what is in each jar. It will come in handy when others are looking to a store to furnish them over priced, unhealthy food. Do I still earn money by working? Yep, sure do. I will continue to do so as long as these fingers have any ability to move. I will not sit and let the government take over my life. It leads to wrong behavior. The person that killed all those people yesterday is said to have a mental illness. Folks, our country has a mental illness. Had he not done us the courtesy of ending his own life, we the tax payers would be paying for his legal expenses, his housing, his food and everything else he wanted. Yes, he was a person. Maybe he did or did not have a mental disease, I don't know. I just know we are seeing these things more often now. Must step off my soapbox and get busy. The turnip greens are cooking. I am eating breakfast and have so many things I need to do today.