Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another soldier dies

Another soldier was killed as he did his duty in the Armed Forces. He was not forced to join the service but chose to do so. He wanted to keep me safe by offering his own life and sacrificing dearly by being far from home and family. He did this because he loves America and her citizens. This soldier ignored the warning that he could be killed as a result of his enlistment in the Armed Forces to protect America. The soldier gave his life for me, someone he never met, someone too old to fight for herself. This brave soldier is a patriot. And who cares? How much money did he receive for all this? Not nearly enough I am sure. I wonder how many flags flew at half-staff for him? Was his funeral attended by the media moguls and high-society people?

A celebrity takes too many drugs, and falls asleep in a bathtub. With riches and fame she played her game not in the least concerned about me. How much media coverage was given there? Well, of course it was all over the news. After all, this was someone famous. It was even said that "God was in awe" when this talented person reached heaven. Many celebrities attended her funeral. The media moguls showered her with accolades befitting a queen. I am sure the amenities attached to her funeral were well beyond the month's pay of the soldier who died.

And yes, because of my statement regarding what I already knew in my heart regarding how she died, I was chastised by someone. Innocent until proven guilty was quoted. Now that the truth of the drugs that were in her body comes out, how much of that is in the news? I would say most people have not heard a word regarding the fact she had Valium, Xanax and alcohol in her system. The warnings regarding drinking and taking Xanax were ignored. ("It may also slow both the heart rate and breathing, which can cause you to pass out or have difficulty breathing -- and may even lead to death.")
The warnings regarding drinking and taking Vallium were Ignored. ("The additive affects of alcohol to Valium's central acting depressant effect can cause severe respiratory depression and death. Using alcohol and Valium can result in a fatal overdose which can stop the heart or cause coma."

Taking drugs became a crutch for the celebrity. She was so famous she lost control of good sense. Yes, that is what I said, she lost any good sense she had when she was just a voice in a church choir. How sad. From singing for God to pleasing herself led to her demise. I have a hard time grieving a lost such as this. As for the soldier my heart grieves deeply because he cared for others more than himself. I grieve for his family who laid him in the ground many years too soon. I have been where this family is now. Folks, it hurts. It hurts more knowing so little attention is paid to a soldier that dies than to a celebrity who of their own free will gets so involved with self they have to medicate daily to cope with life.

We should be ashamed of ourselves for being so backward in our thinking. There will come and time when we answer to God for those things we neglect here on earth. I am not impressed by celebrity. I am impressed by the valor of an American soldier. God help us change our way of thinking.