Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bent But Not Broken

Bent, But Not Broken
(Our nation in mourning)

Today I am so weary, my head is bowed so low
Troubles are surrounding, everywhere I go.
I see such devastation, shattered lives and broken dreams
Heavy hearts are all around me, their loss is clearly seen.

I may be bent, I am not broken, evil shall not win
I know my Lord is near me, He will triumph once again.

Today when I am weary, I will bow my head down low
Talking to my Lord, as through the day I go.
In all this devastation, He will hear me as I pray
My spirit will be lifted with every prayer I say.

I may be bent, I am not broken, evil shall not win.
I know my Lord is near me, He will triumph once again.

I must open up the shutters, I must face this day with faith
I will comfort those around me, those with fear upon their face
For I know there is a warrior that is standing by my side
He will fight my battles, He will not run and hide.

I may be bent, I am not broken, evil shall not win
I know my Lord is near me, He will triumph once again.
Hazel Williams-Jann
© Sept 11, 2001
....“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings”.... Rev 17:14